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Health insurance signup for students over 30
Gabriel avatar
Written by Gabriel
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Student public insurance is one of the benefits for people studying in Germany since it comes at a discounted monthly flat rate of around 145 EUR and provides broad coverage. However, unfortunately it is only available to students under 30 years of age. Therefore, let's explore other options available:

I am insured in the EU/EEA

If you are insured in the EU/EEA, the UK or Switzerland by state and you have your permanent residence in one of those countries, you can remain on your insurance throughout the duration of your studies regardless of your age.

If for any reason your home insurance provider does not want to insure you in Germany, you will still have options at your disposal:

  1. Voluntary public insurance - minimum monthly contribution around €250 (choose "Other" and again "Other" when asked for occupation.

  2. Expat health insurance: a type of short-term private health insurance limited to 5 years of duration. It provides basic emergency coverage and starts at 72 EUR per month. This is the most affordable option.

  3. Comprehensive private insurance: if you are generating over 30 000 EUR gross yearly, you are possibly eligible for private insurance.

I am not insured in the EU/EEA

If you are not insured in the EU/EEA, the UK or Switzerland, you will have two options at your disposal:

  1. Expat health insurance: a type of short-term private health insurance limited to 5 years of duration. It provides basic emergency coverage and starts at 72 EUR per month. Expat insurance is valid for a maximum of 5 years from your initial arrival in Germany.

  2. Comprehensive private insurance: if you are generating over 30 000 EUR gross yearly, you are possibly eligible for private insurance.

I am already on student public insurance, and I am about to turn 30

If you are currently on student public insurance and are about to turn 30, your student insurance will unfortunately end with the semester in which you turned 30. Your insurance provider will offer you to continue with public insurance as a voluntary member, which is always strongly recommended. There are 2 reasons for that:

  1. You will keep the broad coverage

  2. Public insurance will meet any visa requirements, in case you eventually need to apply for one

If you first arrived in Germany less than 5 years ago, you may also have a chance to switch to our Incoming, expat health insurance: it is more affordable, but provides limited coverage, and might not meet the requirements for a visa extension. Expat is valid for a maximum of 5 years from your initial arrival in Germany. Therefore, the first option of staying on public insurance as a voluntary member is always recommended.
Also, in order to switch to any Incoming insurance, such as our expat health, you first need to confirm with your public provider if they would accept that insurance as a replacement for your public policy. Make sure to inform them that Incoming insurance is in question, not a comprehensive private insurance.

In case you want to switch to out expat health, you can follow the link bellow, and use our policy document to show to the provider.

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